Meditative Proving Remedy ~ Bog Asphodel
$ 15.00
For burned out, depleted and deranged states. Completely disordered with internal collapse. Weakness centred on the solar plexus. Burning sensation in solar plexus. Dryness, thirstlessness. Desire for cool, fresh air. Helps deranged metabolism, problems from radiation and rocking. Destructive in its action, similar to phosphorus, for the erosion of healthy tissue. Affects the calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Left sided.
Used for: the pituitary, thyroid and parathyroid. L sided headaches. All eye conditions (eye strain, blurred vision, itching and swelling under the eye). Sore throats. Tension around shoulders and neck. For females the R sided ovary. Bright's disease. Water balance in the body. Fluid retention and excessive urination. Central nervous system. Repairs damaged nerves, epilepsy, Parkinson's. MS. Involuntary movements (Parkinson's or after a stroke). Back pain, intense, heavy, pressing. Swelling in the joints, especially the arms and hands. Stinging in the centre of both palms. Pain on the left side.