5th Chakra Gem Essence
$ 22.00
I SPEAK up for myself. What I have to say is worthy of being listened to. I SPEAK from my heart.
5th ~ Throat Chakra ~ SKY BLUE

Communication, creativity, listening, resonance, finding one’s own voice.
LIES are the challenge of the heart chakra.
To heal: release voice, loosen neck and shoulders, singing, chanting, toning, non goal oriented creativity, communiction skills. Reclaim the right to hear and speak the truth.
- Aquamarine - Reduces fear, a sense of disorientation or disarray, and an inability to express oneself. It also stimulates a desire to have a greater knowledge of oneself which transaltes into inspiration. The spleen and throat chakras are opened, especially regarding expressions of the self.
- Blue Quartz - For general healing and removal of toxins from the body. For specific disorders involving lowered immune system. Opens heart and throat chakras. Depressed individuals or people showing unnatural fear of the aging process can benefit from blue quartz. Opens one to true expression of one's spiritual qualities.
- Lapis lazuli - Anxiety and tension are released because the thyroid is stimulated. The lymphatic system, pituitary and thymus are invigorated. This gem is a very potent cleanser. Stimulates increased personal expression. Useful for shy, introverted individuals. People are able to tap into their higher selves and express or release buried emotions.
- Sapphire - stimulates clairvoyance, telepathy, and astral projection. Communication with one's spirit guides improves, and the heart and throat chakras open. The activities of sapphire are centered on the solar plexus and pituitary chakras.
- and others